Content-certified Mail

Writing Service

We take pride in serving foreign residents in ​Japan from all walks of life achieve the peace of ​mind they deserve.

starting JPY 30,000

Did you know ?

In accordance with Article 16 of the Japanese Constitution, ​foreigners residing in Japan are also granted the right to ​petition, to central or local government.

So we take your voice seriously

My own experiences studying and working in several ​countries and regions have given me a deeper ​understanding of the various challenges you also might ​have faced in your daily life in Japan. Yes, my genuine ​passion for assisting foreign residents comes from having ​been in your shoes.

Petition ​(Seigan)


Demanding ​Paper ​(Chinjutsu)


  JPY 30,000

Article 124 of the Local Autonomy Act requires that petitions or Seigan in Japanese ​submitted to an assembly be introduced by a member of the assembly. These ​petitions are treated as bills and the assembly makes a decision on whether to adopt ​or reject them. On the other hand, demanding paper or Chinjutsu do not need to be ​introduced by a member of the assembly, but they are not necessarily treated as ​bills.

Article 16 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees the right to petition as a ​fundamental right of the people. The right to petition is also recognized for minors, ​wards, foreigners, and corporations.

The subjects of petitions include ;

(1) relief for damage suffered by the state or local public entities,

(2) the dismissal of public officials,

(3) the establishment, amendment, or repeal of laws, ordinances, and regulations, as ​well as administrative matters.


Petitions should be written in Japanese language and should clearly state the ​purpose of the petition, the date of submission, the address and name of the ​petitioner (in the case of a corporation, the location of its office, its name, and the ​name of its representative), and be affixed with a seal. Petitions submitted to the ​assembly must be introduced by assembly members under Article 124 of the Local ​Autonomy Act, and one or more introducing assembly members must sign or affix ​their name and seal to the petition.

Amicable Settlement ​by Content-certified ​Mail (Naiyo-shomei)

The other party who receives a Content -​certified mail from a lawyer or judicial ​scrivener will basically take it as your ​intention to fight, so if you are prepared to ​go to court, ask a lawyer or judicial ​scrivener to prepare the letter.

If you want to avoid going to court, ask us, ​administrative scriveners. Administrative ​scriveners will prepare the letter so that it ​does not become a litigation.

starting JPY 30,000

Photo of People shaking Hands

Content-certified mail provides the sender with a receipt ​for the mail and electronic proof that the item has been ​delivered or attempted to be delivered. In Japan, it has a ​certain legal effect. Content-certified mail can be used in ​cases such as canceling a contract, recovering debts, ​seeking damages, and transferring or releasing debts.

When you send out Content-certified mail, or Naiyo ​Shomei in Japanese, the Japanese post office will record ​the content and date you sent it. Then the recipient ​cannot claim that they did not receive the notice. Content-​certified mail must be written in Japanese language and ​has a specific format. In addition, the sender must prepare ​three letters: one for the sender, one for the recipient, and ​one for the post office.

Creating legal documents tends to be difficult and ​complicated especially for ones with a language barrier, so ​if you need an assistance please feel entirely free to ​contact us.

Contact Us


Room302, 2-19-2, ​Minamitsukaguchi, Amagasaki, ​Hyogo, JAPAN 6610012

Illustration of Telephone


Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:30 am to 5:30 pm


9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Closed on Sundays and Holidays

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